Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Two Auditions recently.
Probably no work, but good lesson.

Audition 1. NYC, 9am. For a regional theatre season, including two high-glamour musicals.
Next time, I will be dressed more glamorously for musical theatre audition. At least kitten heels, at least semblance of styled hair, and coordinated outfit. It is a performance, and I should dress as I would for going onstage.
Next time, I will not disagree with the piano player. If he says that the intro is "wrong", rather than doing it anyway, I will politely take his advice and choose a different song- I have plenty in my book.

Audition 2, Rockland County, 7:30 rainy night.
Rather than responding "in character voice", I will try to respond, even in cold readings, honestly and organically off the other person. I was so set with trying to play my objectives that I failed to build off what was happening in the room and use the full instrument of my voice.

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